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It is what it is
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Friday, 22/01/2010
Mood:  not sure
Topic: It is what it is

Welcome to Friday, January 22nd, 2010. 

We are obessed with celebrity and it has been shown that we care more about what the famous do and how they do it.  We often strive for fame through various means and will stop at nothing to get it.  The sad part of fame is that it is fleeting so the more you become famous the harder you have to work to hold on to it. Rember it is what it is on the road to fame. 

Posted by bbgworks at 10:25 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 22/01/2010 10:39 AM EST
Wednesday, 20/01/2010
Silver lining
Mood:  sad

Just twelve days into the New Year and tragedy struck the world when Haiti was hit with a massive earthquake.  After seeing the devastaion on tv and the internet I would be hard pressed to find the silver lining in such horror, but there is at least that.    Haiti was one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere.  It appeared to be falling further behind the progression of the rest of it's counterparts in the same area.  The world went on without noticing this tiny island except for a few who knew the truth and tried to help before this tragedy struck.  From missionaries, peace keepers and individuals who were touched by the beauty of the people especially the children.  The children of Haiti many of who went on to be adopted by Americans who fell in love with Haiti wanted to give the next generation of Haitians hope in America.  I hope the message is that the world will wrap its arms around Haiti and lift them up.  God Bless  


Posted by bbgworks at 2:52 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 22/01/2010 10:05 AM EST

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